Annual Tennis Membership

 3.000,00 CHF
As a Bürgenstock Tennis Member you have full access to the Bürgenstock Diamond Domes tennis courts and exclusive benefits.

Annual membership (12 months)

Your privileges
– Unlimited access to Diamond Domes tennis courts with fellow member based on opening times
– 24 x access to Diamond Domes tennis courts for one hour with a non-member based on opening times
– 20 lessons à 60 minutes with LUX Tennis Pro (2 players possible)
– Invitation to LUX Tennis Star Events and Meet & Greet
– 20% off on a tennis match with the LUX tennis star

For your indulgence
– Free parking at the Diamond Domes car park


* Please note that no membership is concluded with the purchase of the voucher. A membership is only valid once the membership contract has been signed.
* To conclude the membership, please contact after purchasing the voucher.
* The membership inclusions are not transferable, cannot be combined with other services in the resort and cannot be cumulative from one year to another.


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